What You Need To Know About Carpet Fibers
Olefin – Also known as Polypropylene, olefin has an excellent stain-resistant property and is difficult to stain. The fiber may mat down quickly in a less dense carpet. It is very oil-loving and may get dirty quicker in areas near the kitchen and in homes with pets.
Nylon – The most durable fiber to withstand wear. It has great stain-resistant properties and great wearability. As well, it’s very resistant to oils. The only drawback to nylon is that it can be more susceptible to red dyes like kool-aid and wine. Be cautious as strong chemicals like bleach, peroxides, toilet bowl cleaners, and other strong chemicals can cause color loss.
Polyester – Often an alternative to nylon due to its economical price. Polyester has great stain resistant qualities. However, it isn’t as resilient as nylon, which may cause traffic lanes to look matted or pooled after heavy traffic. Also, furniture indentations are difficult to remove after furniture is moved around.
Wool – A very durable and most luxurious fiber. Most oriental rugs are made of wool and can last for 100 years or more. Wool is naturally fire-resistant. However, wool is easily stained if spots aren’t quickly removed and wool is very vulnerable to bleach.