Upholstery Cleaning

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Step 1: Fabric Testing

Your fabric will be tested for fiber type and dye stability.

Step 2: Area Prep

We will prepare the area where the upholstery will be cleaned to protect your surrounding furnishings.

Step 3: Pre-Vacuum

Dry soil will be removed before cleaning.

Step 4: Pre-Treat

Depending on your fabric, it will be treated to “suspend” stuck-in soils.

Step 5: Pre-Spot

Any potentially difficult spots will be pre-treated with special solutions to increase the chances of removal.

Step 6: Pre-Grooming

The fabric will then be gently groomed using soft upholstery brushes to loosen the spot.

Step 7: Soil Extraction and Rinse

The soil is then extracted from the fabric with a gentle controlled rinse.

Step 8: Neutralizer

The fabric is then pH-balanced to maintain it’s soft fresh feel.

Step 9: Post-Spot

Any remaining spots will be treated with special stain removal products.

Step 10: Post Groom

The upholstery will then be prepared with a gentle combing of the fabric.

Step 11: Speed Dry

High-velocity air movers will be placed on the upholstery to speed dry the fabric.

Step 12: Post Cleaning Inspection

Out technician will review the cleaning results with you to ensure that your expectations have been met or exceeded.