Don’t Let Scary Carpet Stains Get You Down!
Let us help ease those fears. Our technicians are skilled in making the toughest stains vanish!
Now that the kids are back in school, it’s time to evaluate those carpets! Do you have mystery stains? Do you know what color your carpet is?
In addition to those mystery stains, frequently walked on areas of the home result in traffic patterns. When not professionally cleaned, on a regular schedule, traffic areas can result in heavy soiling. This can permanently damage the carpet fibers. Most carpet manufacturers recommend that homeowners clean their carpets every 12-18 months if they have fur babies every 6-12 months.
Your carpet is a big investment in your home. Taking care of it will extend and can even add years to the life of your carpet. Vacuum weekly and regularly, professional carpet cleanings are key to getting the most life out of your carpet!
Call us today for a free in-home assessment and quote at 503-638-4100.